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十大信誉菠菜 - 十大信誉菠菜平台

Originally funded by a National Science Foundation ADVANCE Institutional Transformation Award in 2008, NDSU ADVANCE FORWARD (Focus on Resources for Women's Advancement, Recruitment/Retention, and Development) worked to implement comprehensive and sustainable institutional transformation to increase participation of tenure-track and tenured women faculty on campus. Implemented initiatives for gender equity include an array of campus-wide activities focused on gender parity and equity, with an emphasis on STEM women faculty. Our programs continute to evolve from a focus on women in STEM disciplines to support faculty across discplines and with an emphasis on underrepresented faculty. Our programs and initiatives have been institutionalized and continue to be supported through the Office of the Vice Provost for Faculty Affairs and Equity and have broad impact across the university community.

Our ADVANCE programs contribute to the Mission, Vision and Core Values of NDSU by participating in the ongoing work for diversity, equity, and inclusion that is hosted by the Office of the Vice Provost for Faculty Affairs and  Equity.

Several National Science Foundation (NSF) ADVANCE* awards have supported initiatives in addressing institutional practices and policies that are central to fostering a welcoming, inclusive, and equitable campus.

*ADVANCE Organizational Change for Gender Equity in STEM Academic Professions program contributes to the NSF's goal of a more diverse and capable science and engineering workforce by supporting the development of systemic approaches to increase the participation and advancement of women in academic STEM careers.  

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